It’s Time to Gain
Energy Independence

Sustainability is the future — there’s never been a better time to take back control of your energy.

Clean, Affordable Power


At Essential Solar, we believe we can create long-term impacts by helping our clients understand the importance of renewable energy and how to use it. We believe choice is critical to sustainability. It is in everyone's interest to reduce our reliance on finite fuel sources and to increase our energy independence. In addition, reducing our reliance on finite fuel sources improves air and water quality. It is a win-win for all of us.

Why Switch to Solar?

  • You Can Save Money

    Utility rates are increasing nationwide and are influenced by global events. When you tap into solar, that’s not an issue because you lock in your rate (like if you could have locked in the price of gas when it was less than $2 per gallon). If solar doesn’t save you money, we will let you know.

  • It Reduces your CO2 Footprint

    Consider stopping use of fossil fuels. Give your family a cleaner future.

  • It Can Increase Property Value

    People want solar for the same reasons you do, so having panels on your home can raise its resale value, on average 6%. It is good to have a ‘green’ team on your side who is familiar with buying or selling a home with solar.

  • It's Safe, Reliable, & Beautiful

    Solar technology is constantly improving, and with Essential Solar, you’ll get expert system monitoring to ensure your system works properly.

Our Process

Switching to Solar Energy is Simple


Get Expert Advice

We’ll gain an understanding of your current energy consumption and listen to your needs and expectations so that we can help you in the best way possible.


See Your Solar Solution

We will develop a customized proposal according to your location, energy consumption, expectations, and needs.


Select Financing

Chose from different finance options so that your project makes sense financially in the short and long term.


We Execute Your Project


Our professional team will use state-of-the-art technology and follow all legal procedures to complete your project.

From now on, produce your own energy – your wallet and the environment will thank you for it.



But it does not end here! Receive peace of mind with 25 or 30-year bumper-to-bumper warranty on your system.

We Support You

R. Buckminster Fuller

“All humanity now has the option to ‘make it’ successfully and sustainably, by virtue of our having minds, discovering principles and being able to employ these to do more with less.”

Why Essential Solar Consulting?

Essential Solar Consulting was founded with the purpose of providing sustainable home energy solutions to the residents of Florida and 19 other states at an affordable price.

At Essential Solar, we believe we can create long-term impacts by helping our clients understand the importance of renewable energy and how to use it. We believe choice is critical to sustainability. It is in everyone's interest to reduce our reliance on finite fuel sources and to increase our energy independence. In addition, reducing our reliance on finite fuel sources improves air and water quality. It is a win-win for all of us.

Residential Solar Installation

Why Go Solar?


Why rent your power when you can own it? Solar provides predictable energy rates for years to come with no more inflating utility rates. In fact, the average homeowner will save tens of thousands over the life of their solar system!


While other forms of power cross hundreds of miles to get to you, solar is on your roof. Right there. This provides reliable power, and with optional battery storage, you can rest assured that you won't suffer during an outage.


Solar creates over 90% less carbon pollution than natural gas or coal. Breath easy.


Going solar is easier than ever. With our financing solutions, go solar for $0 down and own it from day one! Leverage the Federal ITC (tax credit) and you could receive up to 30% of your system value back at tax time (if you qualify).

Reliable energy when you need it most

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